You are in good and safe hands...
Hey, I'm Dylan
I'm the founder of Free From Cannabis! I'm a lawyer, business consultant, professional certified trauma-informed recovery coach and a yoga and mindfulness teacher. I battled with cannabis addiction for 20 years. I am proud that since 2016, I have been THC-free! After undergoing a harrowing healing transformational journey, I discovered my life purpose and meaning was to help people overcome issues with cannabis and transform their lives.
Hi, I'm Jess
I am the co-founder of Free From Cannabis and Dylan's life partner. I am also a transpersonal therapist, a somatic healing practitioner, a certified clinical hypnotherapist and a yoga teacher. I will help you overcome anxiety, release trauma and rewire your subconscious addictive patterns through hypnosis in the program.
...over the course of 5 years, in consultation with leading doctors, therapists, nutritionists, recovery coaches, and people who overcame cannabis addiction, we created FREE FROM CANNABIS just for you.
Provide you with an affordable, community-driven, safe space filled with all the love, support, and tools you need to quit smoking or vaping weed/cannabis/THC, heal, transform and thrive.
Accountability | Community | Compassion | Connection | Creativity | Empowerment | Evolution of Consciousness | Freedom | Fulfilment | Gratitude | Healing | Integrity | Mental Health | Personal Growth | Reduce Suffering | Respect | Service
Let's have a deep meaningful conversation...
Are you serious about quitting smoking or vaping cannabis/weed/THC?
If you want to get to know us before you start your journey, for a limited time only, we are offering 30-minute complimentary discovery calls.
Sign up below to receive an email with instructions on how to book your video call.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Dylan & Jess